Monday, February 14, 2011

From crazies to insane, to sane.

Hamlet by: Shakespeare
cra·zykreɪ zi/  Spelled [krey-zee] Show IPA adjective, -zi·er, -zi·est, noun, plural -zies.
Mentally deranged; demented; insane.
senseless; impractical; totally unsound: a crazy scheme.

Crazy? What exactly is crazy and who made up all these definitions to define crazy? My definition of crazy is being different and unique. So, when asked if Hamlet is crazy, Hell yes. He’s crazy in the sense that he goes after what he believes in not having a care in the world. He has a powerful mind that is determined to go after the person responsible for his father’s death. Many people may define Hamlet as crazy because he talks to himself and may have mood swings. But who doesn’t really? We all communicate with our inner self and we all scream and shout when needed.  Hamlet is a young man standing in a border line between dual roles of being a prince and son. I give Hamlet all the right reasons to be unique and different. To cry and smile, laugh and grin. To climb walls and fall against some as well. Crazy? What exactly is crazy and who made up all these definitions to define crazy, well crazy people did. Like you and me. From crazies to insane, to sane.

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