Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dulle Griet

Dull Gret:
In Act 1 Scene 1; Dull Gret was one of Marlene’s friends, who all ate at restaurant. They were all having dinner, Celebrating Marlene’s promotion.  Dull Gret ate rudely and stold bottles and plates when no one is looking, putting them in her large apron. Throughout the dinner she spoke very little. She would say little remarks like “Bastard" and "Big cock". Her silence in the play added a sense of suspense up to the point where she recounts the tale of her invasion.Caryl Churchill based this character on the subject of the Painting "Dulle Griet" by Pieter Breughel, in which a woman wearing an apron and armed with tools of male aggression - armor, helmet, and sword - leads a mob of women into Hell, fighting the devils and filling her basket with gold cups.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Top Girls

Top Girls
Caryl Churchil
                I think there are several reasons why the play is called “Top Girls”. First, the play is all about women. There were no men in the play.  The main character Marlene is a career woman who is employed at the 'Top Girls' emp
loyment agency. She has to leave her family and child behind to get to where she wants to be.  She leaves her poor living conditions to go live the life that she wants, successful and rich.  Every woman in the play had their unique story behind them but what they all had in common was that they all had obstacles and struggles to get to “top”. In conclusion I believe the play was named “Top Girls” because the women in the play all had a story, in which they struggled to be successful and accomplish their goals.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Love vs. Money

The Good Woman of Setzuan

In the play The Good Woman of Setzuan, money was the most important thing to every character but Shen Te. Shen Te was the only person who loved others and felt in love with Yang Sun.  Everyone including Shen Te valued the money and power. It was very clear that the men were powerful and that love was just a “thing” that could be bought with money. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Good Women of Setzuan

The Good Women of Setzuan
                        By: Bertolt Brecht
I think the play is very intense; you have to really dig deep to understand what’s really going on. My emotions towards the play varied. At the beginning of the play I felt sorry for  Shen Te because she was so naïve, sweet and nice. I felt like she had such a pure heart. At a point in time I even admired her for being so good. But as the play went on I started getting annoyed, I felt like she was way too good to everybody and they would take advantage of her. Her cousin Shui Ta was her male cousin and the complete opposite of her. At the beginning I though his behavior was too much, he was too rude and strong. I then realize that he wasn’t, he was just trying to look out for his cousin and survive. When I realize that they were the same person I was confused. I didn’t understand why she couldn’t stand up to everybody and show her both sides. Why she had to hide her strong side.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Doll's House.

A Doll’S House

Helmer’s reaction to Nora’s confession was a bit cruel and cold but pretty much expected.  I  wouldn’t say he gave the impression that he  didn’t love her, but with his reaction he certainly showed her that his reputation was more important that their “ love” and “marriage.”  He purpose to act as a happy married couple to the audience but inside their home, they were not together, he even forbid her to see her children. He also showed that he valued more her physical looks  than anything else. He was also very cold hearted and ignorant, “I  repeat, all your fathers recklessness and instability he has handed on to you. No religion morals no sense of duty! Oh, how I have been punished for closing my eyes to his faults! I did it for your sake. And you reward me like this."(pg 319) he didn’t see the bigger picture; his wife sacrificed herself for him, to keep him alive. Although I don’t agree with his behavior I feel like it wasn’t his fault, again we have to keep in mind the time period this took place. He was raised this way so his behavior back then was normal and appropriate.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Solid Home

A Solid Home
    By: Elena Garro
The short play consists of a family that is buried together.  They talk about the life they lived before they died and the life they living now as dead people.  They explain to Lydia a 32 year old girl who just passed away that she has to wait. She’s confused as to what and why they have to wait.  They then continue to explain to her that she would be able to see everything except her home , they also explain to her that she would become different things and object and until she doesn’t learn to be everything she won’t be able to go to the other world with god.  Lydia says she want a solid home but she doesn’t realize till the end that she does have a solid home, her tomb.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Suicide of Olunde

Death and the King’s Horseman
            By: Wole Soyinka

There are many reasons why Olunde decided to commit suicide. First he wanted to show his people that at the end he didn’t betrayed them.  He wanted to show them that even though he went off to study with the “enemies” he still carried his traditions and beliefs. Second he was kind of obligated to do so, since his dad wasn’t able to commit suicide the ritual was that the son kills himself to hold the kings horse. Lastly Olunde wanted to save his father's house from shaming itself. He wanted to be remembered as an honored man. He wanted to be respected and be a hero to his people.